Arie van Bennekum heeft een achtergrond die zich laat kenmerken door een enorme diversiteit. Deze diversiteit is terug te vinden in zijn persoonlijke presentatie, inlevingsvermogen en vermogen om te reageren op het publiek, ongeacht onderwerp, type reactie of dynamiek.Hij is zijn carrière gestart ...
Arie van Bennekum heeft een achtergrond die zich laat kenmerken door een enorme diversiteit. Deze diversiteit is terug te vinden in zijn persoonlijke presentatie, inlevingsvermogen en vermogen om te reageren op het publiek, ongeacht onderwerp, type reactie of dynamiek.
Hij is zijn carrière gestart in 1987 in de IT als programmeur. Daarvoor is hij actief geweest in de zorg en is pelotonscommandant geweest bij de landmacht. Na enkele jaren in de IT constateerde Arie dat hij de werkwijze, fasering, interactiemodel, etc. waar hij bij zijn opdrachten mee te maken kreeg, niet logisch vond. In 1994 is hij overgestapt naar de wereld die tegenwoordig Agile heet. Deze stap is typerend. De overgang was naar een werkvorm die zeer pragmatisch is en daarnaast structuur in zich draagt. Arie is met 16 anderen (sinds februari 2001) grondlegger van deze wereldwijde stroming in de wereld van software-ontwikkeling. Vanuit deze rol en expertise spreekt Arie vaak op congressen in zowel binnen- als buitenland.
Na zijn ervaring als ontwikkelaar, ontwerper, etc. is Arie anno 2012 actief als coach, consultant, trainer, gastspreker, voorzitter van het Agile Consortium International thoughtleader en senior consultant bij PMtD, assessor bij de IAFen docent op de Hogeschool Rotterdam. Daarnaast heeft Arie zich verdiept in Groepsdynamiek. Omdat facilitated workshops een kerntechniek vormen in Agile ontwikkelmethoden voelde dat voor hem als een natuurlijk ontwikkeltraject. Sinds 1994 heeft hij zich gespecialiseerd in facilitation en is sinds 1998 Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) en assessor -CPF voor de International Association for Facilitators.
De combinatie van Agile en facilitation geven Arie een heel specifiek profiel dat zeer breed inzetbaar is. Als spreker wordt hij ervaren als enthousiasmerend, energiek, gepassioneerd en betrokken.
"Vol lof zou ik graag willen zeggen dat een korte krachtige "verleid cursus" van Tijn zelfs in 10 minuten kan, maar dat de atmosfeer die tijdens deze sessie ontstaat het bijna niet toelaat. Het enthousiasme, de overtuiging en de communicatie over en weer prikkelt de toeschouwer zodat een sessie van 30 minuten vollediger is."
"As Chief Executive of the DSDM Consortium in the UK I have known and worked with Arie van Bennekum for many years. His presentations have always proved to be very popular and he engages with his audience in a most natural yet professional way. His approach often means that his audience will be encouraged to think about the topic under discussion in a way that is different from their usual mode of thinking. This enables creativity to flow and is something that people can build on after the event. Arie has always been passionate about Agile and DSDM and this is instantly apparent whenever he has delivered a presentation at one of our events; passion in a particular area is the trade mark of an inspirational speaker. In asking Arie to represent DSDM and
attend the very important Agile Manifesto meeting in the USA in 2001, we knew we were sending somebody who would use his considerable skills to best advantage and we continue to value Arie as a knowledgable, talented individual who is held in very high regard."
"In June this year, 19-20, together with Computerworld Poland, we held IV annual conference in Warsaw dedicated to Project Management – Agile in Business. We invited Arie van Bennekum to be our keynote speaker. Arie did a great job in his presentation sharing with the audience (150 participants) his visions about Agile and using its philosophy for business purposes. His interactive presentation was extremely well received by the audience. It was very beneficial as he took them through his experience. We hope to cooperate with Arie closer in our regular business activity which are trainings and workshops and have him back to give us update of his thoughts and experience."
"As an agilist, I know Arie’s name since he signed the Agile Manifesto in 2001. I got to know him a few years later, when we somehow got connected in the Agile movement in the Netherlands and Arie asked me to join the board of the Dutch DSDM Consortium. At that time it was already clear that a transition had to be made towards an Agile consortium, a movement that germinated from Arie’s passionate leadership. I know Arie as a driven, goal-focused and people-oriented thoughtleader that creates and sows energy every time you meet him. When Arie is in a group, that group starts thinking and moving and doing stuff that is on top of their imagination. Arie is a true leader of people, teams and organizations!"
"As a previous and current director of the DSDM Consortium I have worked with Arie van Bennekum for over 15 years. Dynamic Systems Development Method is the longest established Agile project management approach and was represented at the signing of the Agile Manifesto by Arie. I have spoken on several occasions at DSDM and Facilitation conferences over those 15years with Arie and been in sessions presented by him, most recently at the Agile Business Conference in London 2011. Arie talks passionately, engaging groups with his energy, intensity, openness and true belief in his subject. He brings vivid examples and colourful and dynamically created illustrations to life to support his passionate words. I have seen his presentations draw excessive numbers, causing those who arrived at the last minute to stand around the back or sit on the floor as all chairs were already taken. I am sure that any conference where Arie is speaking will be enhanced by the experience."