Professor dr. Fred van Eenennaam is an expert on corporate governance & strategy. He is also well known for his expertise in the life sciences and healthcare industry. His consulting, executive education and research activities are focused on helping supervisory and executive boards take better ...
Professor dr. Fred van Eenennaam is an expert on corporate governance & strategy. He is also well known for his expertise in the life sciences and healthcare industry. His consulting, executive education and research activities are focused on helping supervisory and executive boards take better decisions. Better decisions in terms of creating superior value, as an effective group process and in relation with actual implementation and day-to-day strategic leadership.
He has a family business background and after working for the strategic services unit of Accenture in the early 90’s, founded The Decision Group in 1995. He has written 12 books and more than 80 articles. His Harvard type cases on corporate governance and board room dynamics at Ahold, ABNAMRO, family and high-tech business and his lectures on strategy and decision-making under uncertainty are well received (4.2 score on 5 point scale 2007-2010).
Fred set up and chaired the Nyenrode Business Universiteit’s powerhouse on corporate governance from 2002 until 2010. He pioneered and created the leading and successful high- end executive programs:
• NCD Nyenrode Commissarissencyclus aimed at Dutch supervisory board members
• New Board Program aimed at current and future board members of listed companies
• The Strategic Leadership Program aimed at CEOs to create a company and personal agenda to navigate the company to the next level.
The Decision Group and Fred are pioneers in developing successful real action learning and leadership programs internationally for companies dealing with strategic change programs.
Fred was the promoter for honorary doctorates of dr Morris Tabaksblat (2008) and Professor dr Michael Porter (2009). He is co-chairman of the Global Impact Council of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness Initiative under the leadership of Prof. Michael Porter at his Institute of Strategy and Microeconomics of Competitiveness at Harvard Business School, Boston, Mass. The Dutch Cut Flower Case was jointly developed and is taught across the world at more than 80 universities as one of the core cases of economic and cluster theory.
Within the life sciences & healthcare sector, Fred has more than 17 years of extensive strategy consulting experience working on complex strategic projects. His aim is to contribute to a more entrepreneurial, effective, internationally competitive and recognized Dutch life sciences cluster as well as a world class Dutch healthcare system.
Recently, together with world-renowned experts as well as consultants from The Decision Group he developed high level courses on the strategic leadership of life sciences companies and the strategic leadership of healthcare organizations. Courses given on these subjects had an average score of 4.1 (2010).
Fred and his consultants have conducted several studies including recent policy studies on the strategic options of health insurance companies (2007), innovation and prevention reform policies within the Dutch healthcare system (2008), reconfiguration of strategies for hospitals (2009/10), cluster studies and the LSH/Nyenrode outlook for the Dutch red Biotech Cluster 2010 and 2011.
He works closely together with colleagues at St Gallen University, Harvard Business School, George Washington University, North Carolina State University and the University of Maryland as well as other universities on corporate governance & strategy topics and the life sciences and healthcare sectors.
He has served on the boards of several private companies, runs a diversified investment portfolio, consults across multiple industries and teaches in Europe and the Americas in executive MBA and other executive programs. He founded and chaired the Nyenrode Strategy Center at Nyenrode Business Universiteit between 2001 and 2009 and was appointed Nyenrode Professor of Strategy & Dynamics of Strategy at Nyenrode in 2003.
Deelnemen aan een Future Talk met Jeroen als keynotespreker betekent ondergedompeld worden in een toekomstvisie van de automotivesector die sneller evolueert dan voorheen. Deze lezing is boeiend van begin tot einde en smaakt naar meer. Ik ben er alvast van overtuigd dat we nu reeds deze transitie moeten inzetten hoe we in de opleidingssector omgaan met deze veranderingen. Enkel op die manier maken we onze lesgevers en docenten future-proof om de volgende generaties op te leiden.
Fred van Eenennaam has worked with me during his years at the Faculty of economics and business administration of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Fred was also one of my doctoral students. I was extremely sorry to see him leave our department and move to Nyenrode Business University, where he has been so successful in developing new initiatives.
Fred is a very good researcher, who has the talent to identify theoretically interesting research questions that also appeal to managers in practice. His doctoral dissertation on marketing standardisation is a very good example of this. The research question is of great practical relevance and he approached it with the best available research methods. He also was able to persuade 137 managers in large European companies to fill in a detailed questionnaire.
Students at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam gave Fred’s lectures very high scores in the bi-annual evaluation of teachers. He has the talent to make them interested in matters that may not be on their plate for some time to come. Fred has an extensive experience as a consultant and this was of great importance in convincing the students that the theory he taught in the classroom, would also be important for their future career.
I attended several of Fred’s presentations for business audiences. These always had a clear structure, were always up-to-date from a theoretical point of view as well as from a point of view of what is happening in business, and delivered with great enthusiasm. His practical examples underscore the points he wants to make. His experience in many national and international settings give the audience the feeling that they are addressed by someone who knows the worlds of theory and business intimately. This is a rare combination.
Prof. dr Fred van Eenennaam and I have worked together on numerous projects for the past 2 years, including the creation of the first Biotech Outlook. The launch of the Outlook was a high level event for over 200 executives in the life sciences & healthcare sector including international academic leaders and was chaired by Fred.
During this time, it has been my pleasure to see him lecture a number of times. During these sessions, for high level executives in the life sciences and health sector, corporate governance or strategy, he takes his listeners on a journey which holds their complete interest through the last word. Often an interactive part is included in the program during which he asks pertinent questions from his listeners that make them think on a higher level than they are used to.
During my participation in the New Board Program in 2008 at Nyenrode (a program designed for executive board members to more effectively manage their companies), I experienced Prof. van Eenennaam’s teaching methods from a participant’s point of view. Here, again, he was able to take us with him in his thinking process making the topics being discussed alive and inspiring.
This is to certify that Prof.dr. Fred van Eenennaam is one of those few top professors that really make an impact to a learned and business wise audience. His research and business interests are highly original and his business insights are profound. Prof. van Eenennaam creates a real experience that really makes the executives or students to think and re-think.
Stating business cases, combining this with profound scientific insight and translating this into practical strategies and decision making process he creates value for money. He does so that, to my experience and given feedback, highest customer satisfaction is obtained. Prof.van Eenennaam is very well connected and highly appreciated in the top of academic and business world.
I like to certify his resume or Curriculum Vitae, in which the above is only a small summary. I like to certify that his performance is backed up by customer and student feedback.