Peter Ros has very specific ideas about technological developments and their impact on society. We consider him to be among the top speakers in the Netherlands in this area, but he does not see himself as a trend watcher or futurist
Peter Ros has very specific ideas about technological developments and their impact on society. We consider him to be among the top speakers in the Netherlands in this area, but he does not see himself as a trend watcher or futurist, but rather as a chaos master. What makes him special is the fact that he mainly focuses on how society can be able to benefit and make optimal use of all the current emerging and disruptive technologies.
From nano- and neurotechnology to photonics, robotics and artificial intelligence. As co-founder of the Permanent Beta Platform, he was one of the first to outline the significance of increasing (inter) connectivity and the importance of swarm people who are willing to share information and knowledge.
Moreover, Peter Ros knows human behaviour and emphasises the societal impact and the way in which employers, employees and organizations can best respond to them. His fascination for the combination of technology and human insight makes his story a powerful message.
Peter Ros sees kickstarting the Permanent Beta initiative as his most important project of the past five years. This platform is a hub for representatives of the digital forefront, social innovators, scientists and artists.
Here, experts share knowledge, explore new horizons and create spaces in which they experiment with how society can make optimal use of technology and connectivity.
In those spaces – dozens of these expert meetups in the Netherlands and abroad – they meet on subjects such as artificial intelligence, digital savviness, blockchain or biohacking. Twice a year, they all gather together on a special Permanent Beta Day, where they welcome several hundreds of people and host dozens of workshops, lectures and activities.
“We do not organize those meetings, for the most part they grow organically. We try to reveal the new possibilities that the information & network society provides, without contracts, paper or money, just by providing a basis of social coherence, energy and freedom that is needed for an innovative attitude.”
Extraordinary lectures
As the need for personalized information about the impact of technological change is growing fast, interaction during lectures is more relevant than ever before. Peter is a master in applying this technique to create the best possible result.
He coined the phrase ‘the Conversational Keynote’, during which he provides individuals and organizations with customized answers to (personal) questions about the impact of digitization and technological developments on their lives and business practices.
Scenarios for the future
The disrupting growth of digitization and technological developments will have an impact on many. Inevitable as these changes are, Peter Ros can provide a number of possible scenarios for: Work, Education, Health Care, Government, Energy, Retail, Logistics, Finance and Sustainability.
Why do clients employ Peter?
"Raymond has a very interesting and engaging view of American politics. His story is full of fun and informative anecdotes that continue to fascinate. He does an excellent job of describing what the public can learn from a much-discussed politician like Trump."
"If there is anybody who can pass on valuable knowledge, it’s Peter Ros. He is one of those dynamic individuals who has gone through so many different permanent beta culture chapters. The conviction he deeply inside has about business model innovation, technology paradigms and societal reframing, when he lectured at my university, is really impressive. You really feel that he is connected with the subject, it is specific to himself and his life. We really enjoyed it. Peter is a natural great presenter, is very energetic and has a lot of passion in his amazing job. His energy will easily be shared with everybody."
I would like to thank Peter Ros for the good speech that he held and the nice service of Speakers Academy. Peter gave the opportunity to the public to think about what is possible in the future in our sector and that is exactly what was needed.