Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him an international reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation.
Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career conducting scientific research on what leads people to say “Yes” to requests. The results of his research, his ensuing articles, and New York Times bestselling books have earned him an acclaimed reputation as a respected scientist and engaging storyteller.
His books, including Influence and Pre-Suasion, have sold more than seven-million copies in 44 different languages.
Dr. Cialdini is known globally as the foundational expert in the science of influence and how to apply it ethically in business. His Six Principles of Persuasion have become a cornerstone for any organization serious about effectively increasing their influence.
As a keynote speaker, Dr. Cialdini has earned a world-wide reputation for his ability to translate the science into valuable and practical actions. His on-stage stories are described as dramatic and indelible. Because of all of this, he is frequently regarded as “The Godfather of Influence”.
Dr Cialdini is Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. Dr. Cialdini received his PhD from University of North Carolina and post-doctoral training from Columbia University. He holds honorary doctoral degrees (Doctor Honoris Causa) from Georgetown University, University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wroclaw, Poland and University of Basil in Switzerland. He has held Visiting Scholar appointments at Ohio State University, the University of California, the Annenberg School of Communications, and the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University.
In acknowledgement of his outstanding research achievements and contributions in behavioral science, Dr. Cialdini was elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 2018 and the National Academy of Sciences in 2019.
Dr. Cialdini is President and CEO of INFLUENCE AT WORK.
His clients include: Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Bayer, KPMG, AstraZeneca, Twitter, MDRT, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide Insurance, Prudential, Kimberly-Clark, Harvard University – Kennedy School, The Weather Channel, NATO, Novo Nordisk, RE/MAX, Wells Fargo, SXSW, Blue Cross Blue Shield, BAE Systems, Northwest Mutual, World Economic Forum, World Knowledge Forum, Allianz, SAP, Gartner, Sutter Health, MENSA, Pacific Life Insurance, London Business Forum, Thomson Reuters, Ogilvy and London School of Economics
Media coverage of Dr. Cialdini and his research include: Dateline NBC, CNBC, CNN, ABC, PBS, the Washington Post, On Wall Street, Forbes Magazine, Business Week, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, The New York Times, Harvard Business Review and Fortune Magazine.
“Ruud Smits heeft een toegankelijk manier van spreken, ook als het om voordrachten gaat binnen wetenschappelijke fora. En die toegankelijkheid weet hij ook te bereiken bij het spreken voor een algemeen publiek. Zijn sterke punten zijn zijn grote ervaring en belezenheid zodat hij altijd een passend voorbeeld heeft om een bepaald punt te maken en zijn durf ook zijn eigen mening ter discussie te stellen. Samen met een soms lichte vorm van ironie en zijn gewone-mensen-taal maakt dat Ruud tot een begenadigd spreker.”
“Our Fortune 1000 executive attendees embraced Dr. Cialdini’s thought-provoking principles and scored him in the top percentile of speakers at the Alexander Group’s Annual Chief Sales Executive Forum. That’s significant given our discerning audience who set the bar consistently high!.”
“He blew everybody away. They were thrilled. In fact, afterwards one of our lead people pulled me aside and said he came into this program thinking he had been oversold about Dr. Cialdini’s effectiveness. He admitted he was wrong, and ended up taking 6 pages of notes on ways he can apply this information immediately to his work. And yes, you can quote me on this.”
“Because this was a rather long program, we expected only 90% of the people to return after the break, but after the break we had 104% show up. Thank you Dr. Cialdini.”
“If you have a choice, don’t miss the opportunity to expose your people to this man. His work, his science, his ethics and his method for putting it all together are an experience you can’t’ get elsewhere.”