Teresa Freixes has a PhD in Law from the Universitat de Barcelona. The thesis she defended was entitled “The social rights of workers” and she received a cum laude distinction for it in 1983. Since then, her activity in themes related to law has not stopped. She has developed her academic ...
Teresa Freixes has a PhD in Law from the Universitat de Barcelona. The thesis she defended was entitled “The social rights of workers” and she received a cum laude distinction for it in 1983. Since then, her activity in themes related to law has not stopped. She has developed her academic career at the University as well as within the European Union and the Council of Europe (as legal expert for both institutions).
Due to Dr. Freixes’ passion for Law, she’s been awarded several prizes such as the Narcís Monturiol Medal 2009, awarded by the Government of Catalonia in recognition of her contribution to the scientific progress of Catalonia. Furthermore, she is a member of the Reial Acadèmia de Doctors [Royal Academy of Doctors] since January 2010 and holds the Jean Monnet Chair in European Constitutional Law since 2003, ad personam since 2008. Besides the above, she was also member (representative for Spain) of the “EU Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights”, created by the European Commission (General Directorate of Justice and Home Affairs) as requested by the European Parliament (2002-2006). ). Now she is Senior Expert of the EU Agency of Fundamental Rights and the European Institute for the Gender Equality.
Dr. Freixes participates as a member and the director of a research group in the field of European and International Law for several programmes. Alongside the latter, she is also a member of the Evaluation Committees and Agencies like EAECA (Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency, European Commission, which is an independent expert for the evaluation of research projects, scholarships and activities coordinated by lines of research), the Committee of the Regions (European Union). She also is President of the Social Sciences Commission at the ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación, which is the National Committee for the Habilitation of University Professors in Spain) and she is an expert at the ANEP (Administración Nacional de Educación Pública, an external panel of experts for the evaluation of research projects.
Teresa Freixes is the Director of the Joint European Master “Law and Policies on European Integration: European Constitutional Law and multilevel constitutionalism”, organized by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (coordinator) and the Universities of Montpellier, Milan and Szczecin.