“Fame, William Blake believed, is unnecessary to the man of genius. Blake took the healthy view... that he lacked nothing that he really needed.”Dr. Rob Docters van Leeuwen’s lectures aim at new perspectives, meaningful reflection, revaluation and effective action.What do I really want?How do ...
“Fame, William Blake believed, is unnecessary to the man of genius. Blake took the healthy view… that he lacked nothing that he really needed.”
Dr. Rob Docters van Leeuwen’s lectures aim at new perspectives, meaningful reflection, revaluation and effective action.
As philosopher Rob puts emphasis on the forces that give our life direction and expression. How does our consciousness create the world in which we live and how does it interpret our perceptions? How can we open the deeper sources of our consciousness? Can information technology be of assistance? Why are we so crazy about information that we are now suffering from information obesity?
Rob has turned to the design of spiritual gardens as a practical means of expressing the fruits of his learning and understanding. Why? Because Nature just IS.
Interested in classical philosophy, I Ching and Tarot, Taoism and Zen Buddhism, Jungian psychology, and mandalas and archetypes in systems of divination, Rob has increased his focus on consciousness and its forces, the power of intention, retro-causality, telepathy, healing through insight and from a distance, and the expression of spirituality via gardens.
In 2000 Rob expressed his findings about the spiritual connection of sources of wisdom in his design of a Celtic Garden which he realised in the middle of Holland together with the well known landscape architect Arend Jan van der Horst. With him he also wrote the book “Hortus Spiritualis” published in 2007 by the Dutch publisher Ankh-Hermes. In addition to giving lectures Rob writes in the magazine Prana published by Ankh-Hermes (Deventer, Holland).
Since 2008 he has been developing a large spiritual educational garden in Western Australia based on Christian principles. This garden contains a small nature reserve and ecosystem for educational field research.
Rob Docters van Leeuwen attained his doctorate in the Social Sciences. In 1968 In the years that followed he worked in teacher education at the University of Utrecht and wrote numerous text books. He was in 1973 also awarded a fellowship of the Canada Council which allowed him to study at the OISE in Toronto and in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Back in Canada in 1979, he saw personal computers used in education for the first time. He saw great opportunities in this field for Holland but unfortunately established interests blocked the cultural and societal opportunity of the university to guide this tremendous development. Rob emigrated to much more pragmatic Australia in 1982.
In Australia Rob Docters van Leeuwen developed computer, robotics and educational information technology and curricula, wrote textbooks about informatics and wrote and supervised the development of data bases management for education and industry. A pinnacle in his career was his work as international consultant and team leader of educational development projects of the UNDP, World Bank and Asian Development Bank in Indonesia and Bangladesh.
Since 2004, after a near death experience, caused by a very severe accident, he has fully dedicated himself to matters of consciousness, lectures and articles on spiritual matters and insights into the Akashic Field and the development of spiritual gardens for the 21st Century.