At the end of 2011, Pierre Winicki founded the think tank Institut Confiances. Its mission is to contribute collectively to restoring trust and confidence between governments, public administrations, economic and financial actors, experts and scientists, trade unions, the media and the general ...
At the end of 2011, Pierre Winicki founded the think tank Institut Confiances. Its mission is to contribute collectively to restoring trust and confidence between governments, public administrations, economic and financial actors, experts and scientists, trade unions, the media and the general public.
Around this project Pierre Winicki has mobilized an hundred key figures across a range of professional backgrounds, cultures and sensibilities: corporate leaders and executives, politicians, senior civil servants, academics, trade union members, NGO representatives, artists, students, journalists…
Pierre coordinates the six thematic groups of the Institute:
trust, financial markets, economic development, and employment
trust, management, assessment, and social dialogue
trust and governments: politics, the media and the general public trust in science, trust in the future: energy, water, food, medicine, healthcare…
trust, security and justice
trust, culture and education
In his professional activities Pierre Winicki’s one and only focus has always been to search for pragmatic solutions to establish trust.
In 1987, aged 23, Pierre started his own company in the field of interactive media for the education of patients suffering from chronic diseases. Trust between physicians and other healthcare professionals, patients and families was already at the core of Pierre’s work. Based in Paris, Pierre opened an office in New York City and expanded his activities in several countries.
From 2002, after merging his company with a subsidiary of the Pasteur Institute, Pierre developed a consulting practice focusing on change management in public reforms. Working at a senior level with French government and public administrations, local administrations and European institutions drew drew Pierre’s attention time and again deeply ingrained feelings of distrust between political leader and senior civil servants, and vice versa.
On a more personal level, Pierre was soon convinced of how urgent it was to act when witnessing the general public’s growing distrust of the “ruling elite” in many countries – politicians, corporate leaders, the media – leading to protest movements, and sometimes even to revolutions.
A 4-page article entitled « Rebuilding trust » was published in the French leading newspaper Le Monde on 19 November 2013, based on the work of Pierre and the other member of the Institut Confiance. Pierre Winicki is the author of the book « Réussir une réforme publique : surmonter ces peurs et croyances qui bloquent le changement » (Dunod publisher, 2007), and of numerous articles.
Pierre Winicki graduated from Epsci (ESSEC Business School), studied at New York University (NYU), and was a Professor at L’Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA). He was awarded the« Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite » by the French government.