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Bestselling author & innovator | Trendwatcher | Disruptive Technologies

Menno Lanting

Trendwatcher Menno Lanting is an expert on the impact of the fast-changing world, innovation, technology, disruption, digital transformation and leadership.

Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker,

Specialist Subjects

1.   The disruption paradox: in 5 steps to real innovation
2.   Digital humans: The future of human and machine cooperation
3.   The digital transformation = an organizational transformation
4.   Oil tankers and speedboats: Agile work and business in the 21st century
5.   Disruption in government: What will the government of the future look like?
6.   The smart organization: How can your organization be 10x smarter and 10x faster?
7.   Lessons from the 100 most innovative organizations


Menno is a sharp analyst

Menno is a sharp analyst, who truly understands the difference between important and crucial. Besides that he is a very good writer and communicator.

Jeroen Versteeg from Sogeti

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