MarIa Graciani (1985, Sevilla) is known as the Management prodigy child. She is author, speaker and journalist (she writes in several media related to business: Revista Capital Humano (Wolters Kluwers), Observatorio de RRHH y RRLL, Revista DIR&GE, blog Top Ten Business Experts, Revista ...
MarIa Graciani (1985, Sevilla) is known as the Management prodigy child. She is author, speaker and journalist (she writes in several media related to business: Revista Capital Humano (Wolters Kluwers), Observatorio de RRHH y RRLL, Revista DIR&GE, blog Top Ten Business Experts, Revista Training&Development Digest, Revista SPEND IN…).
With just 28 years old, MarIa Graciani has made her childhood dream become true: be a writer. Through her first book, “Motivulario. ¡Bienvenido al lenguaje de la motivaciI³n!†(Motivulary. ¡Welcome to the language of motivation!) she is been bestseller in Colombia. MarIa is a woman of VISION, because her life (Vida) has a meaning (Significado), one that she decides to give through her pasion (pasiON). With the aim of feeding her VISION she studied two bachelors: Journalism and French Language and Literature, and 7 masters (she become the top one in the Master Human Resources Management at the IES Cajasol 2009-2010), all of them are focused on two areas: human resources and communication.
In July 2013, MarIas second book will be available for everyone. The title, “A+BUE=LO la ancestral fI³rmula del éxito, reinventada†(Grandpa, the ancestral success formula). Maria has been also awarded as:
– Premio Iniciativa Literaria FundaciI³n Morera&Vallejo 2012 (Literary Iniciative Prize).
– Premio Literario RRHH Digital 2013 (Literary Prize for Digital Human Resources).
The ILUSION of MarIa (Incesante Lealtar a Uno mismo: Sinergia de la pasióN) is keep creating GEFES (Happiness managers) everywhere to achieve the moto “¡CRECI!†(Create their CIrcumstances).