Jean-Marc Jancovici is a French specialist on energy and climate change related topics.He was trained as an engineer (Ecole polytechnique).He is a founding partner of Carbone 4 (www.carbone4.com), a Paris-based consultancy employing 20 people, that has specialized in confronting human activities ...
Arts, Culture & Lifestyle, Climate, Environment & Sustainability, Communication & Media, Economics & Finance, Entrepreneurship, Government & Politics, People & Society, Science, Trendwatchers & Trends
Climate Change, Columnists, Nature, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Social Enterprise, The Environment
Jean-Marc Jancovici is a French specialist on energy and climate change related topics.He was trained as an engineer (Ecole polytechnique).
He is a founding partner of Carbone 4 (www.carbone4.com), a Paris-based consultancy employing 20 people, that has specialized in confronting human activities (and especially economic activities) to any kind of energy constraint (lack of oil, lack of gas, lack of electricity, rising prices, rising constraints on greenhouse gases emissions, new norms or regulations, etc).
He is the founding president of The Shift Project (www.theshiftproject.org), a think tank created in 2010, sponsored by large companies, and that advocates a progressive phase out of the fossil fuels from our economy.
He has been involved with Nicolas Hulot for 11 years, and co-authored the “Pacte Ecologique”, a book that directly led to the “Grenelle de l’Environnement” during the first three years of the Sarkozy mandate.
He has founded two other associations focused on spreading scientific knowledge about energy and climate change (still active), and is currently chairing the “environment” section of his alumni.
He teaches at Mines ParisTech to first year students (what corresponds to the last year in College) on energy and climate change basics.
He has written 6 books (one of them translated in 6 languages), and is or has been a columnist in a number of French Media (“France Info”, “TF1”, “Les Echos”).