The lectures by Frits de Ruyter de Wildt illustrate the iconic role Lieutenant-Admiral Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter played in the Golden Age of the Netherlands. Frits de Ruyter de Wildt is the 12th generation descendant of Michiel de Ruyter and was taught his family's history from an early age. ...
The lectures by Frits de Ruyter de Wildt illustrate the iconic role Lieutenant-Admiral Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter played in the Golden Age of the Netherlands. Frits de Ruyter de Wildt is the 12th generation descendant of Michiel de Ruyter and was taught his family’s history from an early age. Today he is president of the heritage foundation that strives to enhance Admiral de Ruyter’s legacy. There are similarities between Frits’ career and that of his ancestor. Like him, Frits pursued a humble career as navy officer for 16 year. In 1999 he left the navy and held a number of management positions with corporate businesses. Later he became entrepreneur. During his career the lessons of history proved him very useful.Frits lectures are a combination of storytelling, relating historic anecdotes to his audience and humor to put things into perspective. He places adventures of the past in a modern light and puts hypes and contemporary issues in a different view. He shared his broad knowledge during the 400th birth year anniversary of Admiral de Ruyter in 2007 in many most biographical lectures. De Ruyter de Wildt is a true storyteller.He will continue for hours if you leave him to it. If you want to have a look at his television performances click these links:EenVandaag, January 17th:http://www.npo.nl/eenvandaag/17-01-2015/AT_2025785Eva Jinek, January 20th:http://www.npo.nl/jinek/20-01-2015/KN_1666186