Thinking about the future is dreaming of innovation. When you talk about Innovation and Education in Belgium or The Netherlands, Dirk De Boe is one of the persons often cited. As Innovation Manager at TPVision (Joint Venture Philips/TPV), Dirk stimulates creativity and open innovation. Hij combines ...
Thinking about the future is dreaming of innovation. When you talk about Innovation and Education in Belgium or The Netherlands, Dirk De Boe is one of the persons often cited. As Innovation Manager at TPVision (Joint Venture Philips/TPV), Dirk stimulates creativity and open innovation. Hij combines a broad experience in the industry as engineer and people manager at Philips with a passion for education and lifelong learning. A unique combination which makes him a successfull keynote speaker and awarded him with several prizes like the special price for innovation from the Flemish government in 2010. He is co-author of the bestseller Edushock, brainoptimizer for learning in the future and was one of the speakers on the World Creativity Forum in 2011. He wrote a second book meanwhile: Creativity Shock., think different and do it with results in which he shows how you can think creative yourself but also how to do this as an organization. This way you not only generate a lot more ideas but you also establish a culture of change and innovation. Dirk believes in the reversed piramid where people at the base are in contact with the world, capture ideas and inspiration and are allowed to bring them into practice.
Dirk is an inspiring keynote speaker who talks passionate about creativity, innovation, the education of the future and entrepreneurshiop. He is a master in involving his public emotionally and is famous for his tips which can be used right away.