Coen Jutte developed his knowlegde at McKinsey’s Aberkyn and is a musician: his motivational speech about growth, change and psychological safety is an experience.
With his knowledge from Mckinsey’s Aberkyn and his style developed in the theater, change-expert and musician Coen Jutte is the dreamed-of closure of your event: how do we transform our inspiration today into ‘action for change’ back at your work tomorrow? As one participant said: ‘The first keynote about change I’ve heard that’ll really let me walk the talk. And great entertainment …’
Coen Jutte, the first keynote about change that is practical ánd great entertainment.
Starting as a pianist student at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague, followed by a MSc–degree at the Technical University of Delft, he worked at Alfabeeld, a creative consultancy-firm in Amsterdam.
At 35 he decided to make a big change and started as a musical comedian in theatres, first with Dutch TV-personality Rob Kamphues and later as a solo-artist. Throughout the years he made his musical and theatrical approach also work for corporate conferences and events, giving hundreds of presentations.
More recently he came back to consultancy and for a few years he joined Aberkyn, a change leadership-firm of McKinsey. Now with his own company ‘de Nootenkraker’ (Nutcracker) as a change-expert Coen had a thriving consulting practice about change, (personal) leadership, breaking patterns and psychological safety
It was the curiosity about his own potential that brought him to his current career. He has made it his purpose to share this with others and stimulate their own curiosity.
He lives in Amsterdam with his wife Michaela and his son Jacob. Father and son love football, singing and playing the piano and Coen and Michaela love theatre, walking in nature as well as in their neighbourhood.
‘Music makes people more open to themselves and therefore to each other.’
Daniel J. Levitin, neuroscientist and music producer
‘The first step to make people accept change is to stop judging their resistance.’
Coen Jutte, musician and change-expert