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Agronomist engineer, founder of the Laboratoire d’Analyses Microbiologiques des Sols (LAMS)

Claude Bourguignon

Claude Bourguignon is the director and founder with his wife Lydia Bourguignon of the Laboratoire d’Analyses Microbiologiques des Sols (LAMS). This independent laboratory was founded in 1990 and for the past 20 years, they are recognised authorities on soil health and protection. They have been ...

Consultancy,Facilitator,Interviewer / Talkshow-host
Consultancy,Facilitator,Interviewer / Talkshow-host,

Specialist Subjects

1.   The health status of soils in the world and in Europe and the ways of conservation applicable locally or nationally
2.   Agronomy and agricultural models of tomorrow
3.   The impact of modern agriculture on the environment and more specifically on the ground
4.   The role of soils in the production of local wine
5.   The role of soil in plant nutrition and the production of quality food
6.   Soil microbiology

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