Barry is managing director of the Business & IT Trends Institute (bitti.nl). He worked as manager on several organizations and programmes all related on realizing business value with IT. As management expert he advised several large and medium organizations on IT investments with evidence based ...
Barry is managing director of the Business & IT Trends Institute (bitti.nl). He worked as manager on several organizations and programmes all related on realizing business value with IT. As management expert he advised several large and medium organizations on IT investments with evidence based research and consultancy (e.g. business case development / six sigma / etc.) . Barry is also speaker, teacher at several universities and writer of several books. The book ‘Trends in IT, invest in time in the right technology’ is the bestseller with more than 275.000 sold copies. Barry previously worked as senior manager within KPMG Information Risk Management. With his company BITTI he and his nine colleagues focuses on benchmark, assessment, audit and consultancy / project management.
“Because this was a rather long program, we expected only 90% of the people to return after the break, but after the break we had 104% show up. Thank you Dr. Cialdini.”
"It is with great pleasure that I do it as his contribution was very much recognized by the delegates of our conference BPM LISBON 2015, held in Lisbon last May. Barry talk was about Change in people vs strategy alignment. That session was greatly appreciated by the delegates because of the enthusiastic way of his presentation and the way he involved the participants in the discussion. His assessment was 68% for “6” and 23% for “5” in a scale of 1 to 6. In this context, I am pleased to recommend Barry as a speaker for the "Speakers Academy".