Coach of the word - case - bodyBusiness trainer with long-term experience and an original technique:• «personal efficiency 2.0» - 100% efficiency in business and life: self-management of energy, health, age;• management of the elite sellers and sales (experience - more than 20 years of ...
Arts, Culture & Lifestyle, Business & Management, Economics & Finance, Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Strategy, People & Society, Science
Corporate Governance, Life Balance & Wellbeing, Motivation & Inspiration, Performance, Personal Leadership, Property Management, Psychology, Sales Training, Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Social Enterprise, Teambuilding & Teamwork
Coach of the word – case – body
Business trainer with long-term experience and an original technique:
• «personal efficiency 2.0» – 100% efficiency in business and life: self-management of energy, health, age;
• management of the elite sellers and sales (experience – more than 20 years of personal direct sales and sales management B2B and B2C);
• leadership – internal and external: scale of leader’s identity = scale of his works (the owner of the two companies in Russia and Ukraine since 1990);
• rhetoric and artistic public performances (experience – more than 30 years).
Coach – consultant:
• life-coach, business psychotherapist: the elimination of views, fears and anxiety, limiting success and development;
• age-manager: system management of biological age, health, energy. A man who has a biological age of 12-13 years less than passport age. By definition of mass media he is «an expert of sensible way of life» and «pioneer of Russian age-management».
Speaker, motivational speaker:
Dr. Rostyslav Gandapas: «a born speaker … one of three Russian «business – preachers».
• experience of public speaking is more than 30 years: political school, KVN (Odessa), performances at business conferences and business forums in different spheres and countries, TEDx format conferences, regular participation in radio – and TV programs on the first channels of Russia and Ukraine;
• preparation of speakers – politicians and businessmen, preporation of reports, presentations, demonstrations and exhibition projects.
Clients and customers of consultations and trainings:
Organizing Committee «Sochi-2014», «Sberbank», «Bank of Russia», Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation, National Bank of Ukraine, Government of Kyrgyzstan, «Inter RAOUES», «RMC» (Russian Management Community), NIS GLONASS, «Coral Club International», «Faberlic», «Microsoft», «OPIN (group «ONEXIM»), «Gazprombank», «SIBUR», «Beeline», Pricewaterhouse Coopers, etc.
Business experience:
1993 – present – entrepreneur and businessman:
• exclusive representative of « WELLER» («WELLER-System-Registraturen») in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan;
• owner of the companies «WELLER.RU» (Russia) and «Sirin» (Ukraine), entrepreneur;
• first independent art-producer of Ukraine;
• exclusive distributor of Minolta, Shaefer-Shop, WELLER, etc.;
• marketing and distribution director of premium products “Zwack” in Russia and Ukraine; author and coordinator of the project «Vodka «Zhvanetsky» with Zwack Kft.;
• co-founder of the British-Hungarian-Ukrainian joint venture «great Yarmouth-Ukraine» (with “Albion Chemical Company, Ltd”, “Chemical London Trading, Ltd”, “great Yarmouth Group, RT”).
Author’s development:
• system “S-H-M” (“Self – Health – Management”) is a system of self-management of biological age, restoration of health and maintenance of energy;
• system “S-H-M, Inc.” (“Self – Health – Management, Incorporated”) is a corporate management system of energy, health and the age of the personnel;
• technique of creation of systems of corporate documents circulation in large organizations and banks. Awarded with the diploma «For innovative solution» on the Forum «Financial Ukraine’2008». Awarded with the 1st professional prize in the field of creation of systems of banking documents circulation under the version of magazine «Bankir»’2010.
Special knowledge and skills:
• philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature (OSU);
• certified therapist (RPT) ;
• nutritionist: algorithms of application biologically active additives for prevention of diseases, recovery of health and control of age (PFUR);
• developer of the systems of corporate documents circulation (WSR).