Yuegen Xiong is professor in the Department of Sociology at Peking University, China. He is the author of Needs, Reciprocity and Shared Function: Policy and Practice of Elderly Care in Urban China (Shanghai Renmin Press, 2008) and Social Policy: Theories and Analytical Approaches ( Renmin ...
Yuegen Xiong is professor in the Department of Sociology at Peking University, China. He is the author of Needs, Reciprocity and Shared Function: Policy and Practice of Elderly Care in Urban China (Shanghai Renmin Press, 2008) and Social Policy: Theories and Analytical Approaches ( Renmin University Press, 2009 ) . He earned his doctorate degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998.
He was the British Academy KC Wong Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford during November, 2002- September, 2003, the Fellow at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK), Delmonhorst, Germany during December, 2003- February, 2004 and the JSPS Fellow at the University of Tokyo in October, 2005. In the past years, he has published extensively in the field of social policy, comparative welfare regimes, social work, NGOs and civil society.
He is the co-managing editor of China Journal of Social Work (Routledge) and editorial member of Asian Social Work and Policy Review (Wiley- Blackwell) and Asian Education and Development Studies (Emerald). Currently, he is conducting a three-year research project as the Principle Investigator (PI) on “Social foundations of inclusive growth and development of social policy in transitional China “(2011-2014) supported by National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China. Prof. Xiong’s main research interests include social policy in China, comparative welfare regimes, NGOs and civil society in China, social work education and social services in China, aging and elderly care in China.