Yong Wang is Professor at School of International Studies, and the Director of the Center for International Political Economy, Peking University. He is also Professor at Party School of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Appointed Professor for the HKSAR Senior Civil Servants Training Program on ...
Yong Wang is Professor at School of International Studies, and the Director of the Center for International Political Economy, Peking University. He is also Professor at Party School of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Appointed Professor for the HKSAR Senior Civil Servants Training Program on Chinese Affairs at Peking University, and a consultant of the Asia Development Bank (ADB).
Member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), and World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Agenda Council on Global Trading System.
He received his B.A., M.A., and PhD from Peking University. He started his teaching at Peking University since 1990. His authored books in Chinese include the Political Economy of International Trade (2008), the Political Economy of China-U.S. Trade Relations (2007), the Rounds of Most Favored Nations: the Politics of US-China Trade Relations, 1989-1997(1998), Knowledge Economy: Cases and Prospects (editor, 1998), and American Politics and Making of Foreign Policy(co-authored, 2007). He has published dozens of papers and book chapters in Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and Spanish, on the topics of Chinese political economy, foreign policy, China-US relations, regional cooperation, international political economy and World Trade Organization (WTO).