Wouter de Jong is bestselling author of the Mindgym book series. With the Mindgym method Wouter puts people, teams and organizations in their power and improves your mental strength.
Wouter de Jong is a bestselling author, keynote speaker. After receiving his degree in Dutch law, he enrolled at the Amsterdam School of Theater and played in several popular productions (like GTST and Villa Achterwerk). He completed different programs and courses, at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for example, and has gained extensive knowledge and experience as a
compassion- and mindfulness trainer. His bestseller ‘Mindgym: Sportschool voor je geest’ was published by Maven Publishing and has sold over 90.000. From his children’s book ‘Superkrachten voor je hoofd’ (superpowers for your head) are sold over 80.000 copies. In recent years Wouter had a lot of tv appearences like tv show: Pauw, RTL Late NIght and Boulevard.
Mindgym – work out for you mind.
Being healthy starts in the mind. Because when you are mentally fit, the body will follow. That’s why Wouter de Jong transforms every talk he gives into a “gym for the mind”, leaving every attendee full of energy, even the most skeptical among us.
Using his inspiring mix of theory, practice, interaction, music and video, not only does he inspire; he actively invites you to step out of your comfortzone.
His methods are based on the most recent scientific discoveries, ideas from mindfulness, and positive psychology, all geared towards improving ones mental health.
De Jong’s teachings consist of simple and effective ways of thinking and techniques, applicable by anyone in their daily lives and carreer; leading to positive results in all aspects of life.
Engagement and attention increases without being burned out. Being more flexible and playful with change. Being more effective with your time, emotions, stress and colleagues. A proteinshake for the brain: for more focus, rest ánd energy.
Wouter helps people transform their lives, carreers and businesses by communicating his teachings in a practical way. His method has connected with a varied range of businesses, large and small, providing them with lectures and tailor-made trainings. Wouters keynotes are interactive, don’t shy away from humour and contain many personal insights of Wouter himself which will surely inspire and entertain.