Stefan Mey is a renowned IT journalist and technology and digital expert. He not only inspires broad crowds with his expertise and skill as a speaker, but also offers perspectives related to the dark side of the Internet: the Darknet.
Stefan Mey is an IT journalist. He has written the darknet book that shapes the German-speaking world: “Darknet: Waffen, Drogen, Whistleblower. How the Digital Underworld Works” (C.H.Beck, 3rd Edition 2021). He has researched and written for dozens of public interest, industry and technology media on all relevant aspects of the digital underworld and gained insight into all aspects of the dark web. As a digital expert, he has given more than 50 interviews, for television, radio, print, online and in podcasts.
Since the beginning of his journalistic career, he has been critical of the balance of power in the digital world: Who sets the economic tone and why, and what are the consequences? Mey not only watches the big Silicon Valley corporations but is also an intimate connoisseur of the non-commercial “digital counter-world”, which includes projects such as Wikipedia, Firefox, WikiLeaks or OpenStreetMap. He has portrayed and analyzed the most important projects of this scene, which is often located in Europe and in German-speaking countries.
Stefan Mey not only describes problems, he also provides answers to:
– which political approaches are promising for success
– how “digital self-defense” can undermine surveillance, protect data and make cyber-attacks more difficult
– and what answers the Internet itself offers, which oppose the commercial players of Silicon Valley with a powerful digital counter-world.
No matter whether he is talking about the Darknet or the “normal” Internet. The IT expert also picks up people without any previous IT knowledge and explains the complicated digital world with its opportunities and pitfalls. With razor-sharp analyses, he dissects the aggravated conditions on the Internet, especially the power of the large IT companies. He explains how surveillance works and the importance of data in the digital world, in clear language.