Rüdiger Böhm
“Things happen! What matters is what you make of it!”
As a top athlete, he lost both legs and almost his life in a tragic traffic accident one day before his 27th birthday. What followed were 30 days in a coma, 30 weeks in the hospital and a months-long struggle back to a new life without legs. With a strong will, a lot of courage and clear decisions, he mastered this nightmare and thus developed into a successful expert in crisis management.
Changes bring motion into life – they push the boundaries and always offer a chance for personal development!
Today, he is once again a fun-loving top athlete who loves extreme challenges and overcomes his limits every day. As the only soccer coach without legs with the highest UEFA coaching license in the world, he trained and supported many of today’s Bundesliga professionals on their way to professional sport. He knows what it takes to shape successful teams, motivate them and lead them to peak performance. What applies to top-class sports also applies in the same form to companies and the economy!
In his inspiring talks and seminars, the top speaker skillfully combines his expertise in sports, business, healthcare and coaching with his own life story. In doing so, he touches his audience and serves as a role model for many. Clear, genuine and passionate, the expert for motivation and change gets to the heart of the matter. With a special blend of humor and depth, Böhm encourages people to never give up and to overcome their own limits every day anew for personal and corporate success.
1. Change 4.0 - Being Successful in times of digital transformation
The world we live in is spinning faster and faster! We think more and more interlinked and global! Whether we like it or not, our lives are changing at breakneck speed. How do you deal with it when suddenly everything is different? How do you react to crises and extreme situations? What do you do when, from one moment to the next, you can no longer rely on what you once learned? What does this mean for your personal success?
Learn what really is necessary to master even extreme changes courageously and successfully!
2. Sexy Goals - Your Motive(ation) for Peak Performance
In today’s world, we are constantly confronted with the success of others. In most cases, this leads to stress and extreme pressure to perform. Many ask themselves, “What can he or she do that I can’t?” They withdraw and hope that the stress and pressure to perform will eventually, somehow, resolve itself. In doing so, they believe that successful people are cut from a different, very special kind of cloth, capitulate after defeats and thus feel they never reach their goal.
Experience how goals can affect you and what is really necessary to achieve them with enthusiasm & ease!
3. BOOST your TEAM - Lead successfully with Respect & Passion
It is not for nothing that the saying goes: “Truly successful teams are recognized in times of crisis!”. But what makes a team successful? Why does one team take off while others clearly “underperform”? How is it possible for a team to fight against destruction and suddenly take off? And, what is the role of the team leader and the management in this game? Or, to put it another way: How do you lead your team to peak performance and sustainably establish it at the top?
Learn what it really takes to develop successful teams and establish them at the top.
4. Phenomen(T)ally Good: Victory or defeat - The Mindset decides
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you really could achieve any goal? Where would you be, what would you do, if you knew that simply anything is possible? Are you also one of those who are shaking your head right now? That sounds kind of funny. It can’t be that simple, otherwise everyone would do it. Wouldn’t they? And yet it would be almost too good to be true.
You will learn how we think and what this has to do with a “Pink Elephant”. Change your mindset and become Phenomen(T)ally successful!
5. Fit through the crisis: Resilience - The key in turbulent times
There are people who just will not get worked up no matter what. They master even extreme situations with a certain composure, emerge from crises even stronger and always remain positive and full of energy. Do you know someone like that? And have you ever wondered how they do it? How do you deal with crises and challenges? Do you have your stress and energy under control or is mindfulness rather a foreign word for you?
Experience what resilience really means and learn what it takes to stay resilient, fit and agile even in turbulent times.