Patrice Fonlladosa has extensive expertise on Environmental and infrastructure from public-private partnerships to engineering, construction and transportation issues impacted by Climate change.
Patrice Fonlladosa is the CEPS Africa President (Centre d’Etude et de Prospective Stratégique) and the former Chairman & CEO of Veolia Africa and Veolia Middle East. Currently Patrice is Member of the Advisory Board of Avisa Partners, Independent Board Member, Chairman of the think tank (Re)Sources. Next to that, Patrice is the former Chairman of MEDEF Africa and Vice Chairman of the Medef Council of French Saudi business. Being member of numerous Boards of Directors in more than 8 countries including a listed company in the middle east, Patrice has successfully contributed to the international development of large French groups (Bouygues, Matra, Veolia) and chaired the creation of a well reputated think tank (Re)Sources focused on Water & Energy in emerging countries.
Patrice Fonlladosa has extensive expertise on Environmental and infrastructure from public-private partnerships (PPPs) to engineering, construction and transportation issues impacted by Climate change. Next to that, Patrice has strong skills in governance and public policies in the fields, in particular but not only Africa and Middle East.
The CEPS AAfrica President has a track record and a recognized reputation build on experience in the private sector, but also publish regularly tribunes and articles in the media. What makes him as unique in field is his experience in emerging countries, how to manage sustainable growth and build appropriate governance for long term investments, his ability to discuss public policies at top state or ministry levels and combine public and private interest. His humanity is also a well known part of his personality and the root of his personal involvement in think tank or NGO such as (Re)Sources he created or more recently CEPS.
Patrice has been recognized years ago by the french “Légion d’honneur” for his professional merits. In 2018, Patrice published in “Eau, énergie et autres services essentiels” as chairman of (Re)Sources think tank and more recently articles in the media (La Tribune, l’Opinion …)
Between 2008 and 2018 Patrice succeeded to grow the Veolia business by two in Africa and Middle east, and reached a ROCE of 14%, managing affiliates in 17 countries with the support of 10.000 staff.
Due to his extensive experience and thorough assignments along the years, Patrice is now acting as independent with full autonomy to transfer and share with enthusiasm his views and beliefs on the related fields he’s been working on.