Master of Arts in Economics (University of Rhode Island) and Ph D in Economics(University of Paris), Olivier PASTRE, Professor at the University of Paris XIII (1978-1983) has worked as consultant for the OECD and for the European Commission (1979-1981), and has chaired a commission of the French ...
Master of Arts in Economics (University of Rhode Island) and Ph D in Economics(University of Paris), Olivier PASTRE, Professor at the University of Paris XIII (1978-1983) has worked as consultant for the OECD and for the European Commission (1979-1981), and has chaired a commission of the French Planning Commissariat devoted to the “Internationalisation of French Financial Institutions” (1982) before joining the Treasury Department at the Ministry of Economy and Finance as a staff member (1983) then as adviser of the Director (1984) in charge of the “Payment System and Electronic Fund Transfer System”. In this position, he has been the representative of the Minister of Economy and Finance in the merger of all the payment cards networks in France.
In 1985, Olivier PASTRE has been put in charge the Director of the Treasury of a report on the Modernisation of French Banking which contributed to several reforms being undertaken in France in the years 1986-1989. Elected dean of the Economics Department at the University of Paris VIII (1986), he then chaired several commissions devoted to the future of the French financial system.
From 1987 to 2002, Olivier PASTRE has been managing director and board member of GP Banque (redenominated SBFI in 1999), the only merchant bank with a strategy focused on Maghreb and Mashrek countries. In this position, he has managed four teams of 40 seniors merchant bankers located in Paris, Casablanca, Algiers and Tunis. Olivier PASTRE has also managed five closed and open end funds invested in the South Mediterranean countries. Olivier PASTRE is a member of the board of IM Bank (Tunisia) and has been a board member of Union Bank (Algeria) (1995-1997) and Maroc Service Intermédiation (Morocco) (1993-2000). In 2000, he has been elected Chief Executive Officer of IM Bank and, in 2001, Chairman of the Board. With IM Bank, Olivier Pastré has been involved in more than 30 privatisations in the Maghreb as advisor of the Government or of private investors.
Since 2001, Olivier PASTRÉ is Professor at the University of Paris VIII. He is the scientific adviser of the Revue d’Economie Financière, member to the Scientific Committee of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (the French S.E.C.), member of the board of the Banking Directors Association, Professional Fellow of the Europlace Institute of Finance, member of the Supervisory Board of the Caisse des Dépôts, productor on the radio France Culture, editor at Editions Perrin and the author of numerous books and articles among which : “La Stratégie internationale des Banques Américaines” (1979 translated in English) ; “La Crise du XXème Siècle” (1980) ; “L’Informatisation et l’Emploi” (1984-third printing) ; “Les Nouveaux Piliers de la Finance” (1992) ; “La Banque” (1997), “Où va l’économie mondiale” (2002) “Le Capitalisme déboussolé” (2003, Special Award of the Prix Européen du Livre d’Economie and of the Prix Turgot) ; “La Nouvelle Economie Bancaire” (2005, translated in English) ; “La Méthode Colbert” (2006),“Le Roman Vrai de la Crise Financière” (2008 ; reprinted in paperback) and “Sorties de Crise” (2009).
In May 2006, he delivered to the Minister of the Economy a report on “the Social and Economic Future of the Banking Industry” and, in October 2008, a report on “Islamic Finance”.