Norbert Bolz is a philosopher, media & communication theorist and a professor at the Technical University of Berlin. Bolz is regarded as a pioneer of German media theory. This theory, the "Theorie der neuen Medien", is influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche, Walter Benjamin and Marshall ...
Norbert Bolz is a philosopher, media & communication theorist and a professor at the Technical University of Berlin. Bolz is regarded as a pioneer of German media theory. This theory, the “Theorie der neuen Medien”, is influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche, Walter Benjamin and Marshall McLuhan.
“Experience Chaos as a ‘higher quality’, a new order for non-linear dynamics. Use Chaos as creative power and an impulse for daily management. Chaos will be the focus point of the complex and unstable markets of the future”, says Professor Norbert Bolz.
As a renowned expert in Chaos Management he is looking at chaos and how it can be effectively applied.
His book titles show that Professor Bolz is an arduous defender of non-linear thought and action. In his book, “Chaos and Simulation” he dedicates a whole chapter to “Coping with Chaos”.
In it, he clearly describes how this phenomenon can be effectively applied to all areas of life. If controlled it can have a positive effect. According to Professor Bolz Chaos is more the normality than the exception. There is no need to be afraid of tackling it since it follows scientifically researched regularities. Chaos cannot be switched off but should instead be channelled into a calculation of risks. Chaos in the form of risks loses its negative aspects and becomes astimulation and the driving-force of creativity.
Professor Bolz is an excellent communicator and has the ability to relate his findings to an intelligent audience.