Miriam Reyes is a Social Entrepreneur, Architect, Master in Communication and passionate about autism.In 2010, after the diagnosis of her little cousin with autism, she developed for him a story with pictograms, "The underpants of Jose". After sharing it on internet, she received messages from ...
Miriam Reyes is a Social Entrepreneur, Architect, Master in Communication and passionate about autism.In 2010, after the diagnosis of her little cousin with autism, she developed for him a story with pictograms, “The underpants of Jose”. After sharing it on internet, she received messages from thousands of people from all corners of the world saying: “Thank you, thank you for sharing this material with us”. Since then, she decided to devote her time and creativity to respond to this social demand and founded Visual Learners (Aprendices Visuales), a non-profit which develops technological tools that allow children with autism develop their full potential.Visual Learners has now reached more than 40,000 children in 20 countries and Miriam Reyes trajectory has been recognized with national and international awards such as UNICEF Entrepreneur or the Global Fellow of the International Youth Foundation among others.The passion for her work as a Social Entrepreneur and her enthusiasm is contagious. She´s been invited speaker in TEDxBurgos and TEDxIEUniversityMadrid. She also likes university teaching where she has given numerous lectures, seminars and conferences at different universities like Alfonso X El Sabio, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad de Sevilla, CEADE o San Pablo CEU.Before being an entrepreneur, Miriam worked in the recognised international architecture office Herzog & de Meuron in Switzerland and made real her thesis, designing and building a Music and Dance School in Burkina Faso.