Mr. Michael Khazin (born 5/5/1962) is one of Russia’s leading economic and political research analysts. After long time of State Service (senior positions at The Ministry of Economy and The Administration of the President of Russia) he became a consultant in 1998 and established "NEOCON" in 2002. ...
Mr. Michael Khazin (born 5/5/1962) is one of Russia’s leading economic and political research analysts. After long time of State Service (senior positions at The Ministry of Economy and The Administration of the President of Russia) he became a consultant in 1998 and established “NEOCON” in 2002. Mr. Khazin is often called by the media to comment the major issues of domestic and international economy. He wrote several books, including “Crash of the Dollar Empire”, and many articles.
Graduated from MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
Worked in the Academy of Sciences.
Since 1994 had been working as a Head of Department of monetary policy at the Russian government’s Economics Ministry.
1997-98 – Deputy Head of the Expert Department of Presidential Administration.
Since 2002 – President of the company Neocon.
M. Khazin is known for the works on the theory of the present global financial crisis that explained original reasons long before its beginning. Specializes on issues of the world economic crisis and regulation of natural monopolies. The author of several books and a large number of articles devoted to problems of the world economic crisis, state regulation of economy, political themes.
Is the host of programs on «Russian News Service» and «Echo of Moscow» radio stations and also on RBK-TV. Founder and constant author of the web-site