Louis-Serge Real del Sarte is considered as the biggest european influenceur overall the professional social network. This 52 years old engineer is graduate of EUREX Frankfurt, Euronext in Paris and of the Financial Forex School from the Institute of Technical Market at CFPB.Author of "Les Réseaux ...
Louis-Serge Real del Sarte is considered as the biggest european influenceur overall the professional social network. This 52 years old engineer is graduate of EUREX Frankfurt, Euronext in Paris and of the Financial Forex School from the Institute of Technical Market at CFPB.
Author of “Les Réseaux Sociaux sur Internet” referencing all existing social networks over the world, Louis-Serge is regurlarly invited to be the subject of TV or Radio programs, recently M6, “Zone Interdite” on Networks. Writer for La Tribune and L’Agéfi, he is often interviewed on Bloomberg TV, Reuters, BFM TV and national chains, he is today the chairman of YLFLY, driving digital change management strategies of companies.
Among his financial first life, he went through many adventures. European Director and Partner of Global Equities for nine years, he founded easyBourse, a financial website redeemed by La Banque Postale in 2008 and easyNetwork, a digital adgency in 2009.
Then, he directed the social network of Bernard Julhiet Group, being at the same time responsible for Web communication of the European Business School, and Director of GINGER-Grontmij Group Social Networks. Blogger for 8 years, Louis Serge leads the Top ranking level of OverBlog with 2,000,000 page views and 850,000 ‘unique visitors’.
Digital Marketing Professor at the CNAM, the European Business School, EBS Paris, the EFHT the EFHC and ICD, he holds Master of digital communication at the International Business School (IGS). His on-lines profiles counts with a total of two million visits, which are now visited approximately every seven seconds.
Speaker for Word Forum Summit and the first one on this topic at the European Commission (TAXSUD), he also gave presentations to the MIT, Sciences Po, Polytechnic College, Central School, the Oxford Society, IAE, Neuilly Campus, ESLSCA, the Paris-Dauphine, MEDEF, Novancia and Cambridge University.
Groups like TOTAL (Luboil), HP France or Publicis request for his advises. In addition, he was appointed ambassador of the french social network VIADEO, the American SPOCK and the German giant XING and founded the XING Paris group.