Josette Dijkhuizen MSc holds a degree in Marketing, in Management & Organization Sciences and also has a certificate in coaching. Josette worked for ten years at different international SMEs in sales and marketing jobs. In 2005 she quitted her job to start her own company. Ever since she works as a ...
Josette Dijkhuizen MSc holds a degree in Marketing, in Management & Organization Sciences and also has a certificate in coaching. Josette worked for ten years at different international SMEs in sales and marketing jobs. In 2005 she quitted her job to start her own company. Ever since she works as a entrepreneur(ship) consultant and mentor for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial organizations.
To get more profound knowledge Josette started her PhD in 2010 at Tilburg University on the subject of entrepreneurial success and happiness. For this research she cooperates with experts of several universities worldwide. Her passion for entrepreneurship combined with her experience and knowledge is expressed in a number of books: Startershandboek (a practical handbook for start-ups), Startershandboek voor Inburgeraars (a handbook for naturalized citizens who want to start a company), Een andere kijk op trainen en coachen (a different view on training and coaching), Het ondernemersgen (the entrepreneurial gen), and Vallen, opstaan en weer doorgaan (fall, rise and proceed).
Josette was appointed as Women’s Representative in the Netherlands delegation to the United Nations General Assembly 2013. On 14 October she spoke at the General Assemby in New York about women’s entrepreneurship. One of her social enterprises is called Krachtbedrijf (PowerCompany) and is based on assisting women from shelters to start-up their company. She received a national award for this project, but also the Eindhoven City Friendship Award and different nominations for her books and entrepreneurial work.
About different aspects of entrepreneurship Josette gives presentations and lectures for financial institutes, Chambers of Commerce, universities, councils and other entrepreneurial organizations. She is not only a well-known speaker in The Netherlands but she is also seen on international conferences.