Jeremy Mercer is a non-fiction author whose books have been translated into a dozen languages. His work explores French culture and history and his subjects include the Parisian literary scene, the history of the guillotine, and the first Christian communities in France. Mercer also writes magazine ...
Jeremy Mercer is a non-fiction author whose books have been translated into a dozen languages. His work explores French culture and history and his subjects include the Parisian literary scene, the history of the guillotine, and the first Christian communities in France. Mercer also writes magazine essays which examine social phenomena such as the value of dissent in society and the role of altruism in economics; his essays are required reading for courses at universities such as Harvard, Berkeley, and the Max Planck Institute.
As part of his work on the death penalty, Mercer also translated Robert Badinter’s L’Abolition into English.
He has been nominated for or won prizes numerous prizes for his writing and journalism.
Mercer is a dynamic and entertaining speaker who has given lectures in North America, Europe, and South America.