Ismael Peña-Lópezis a lecturer at the School of Law and Political Science of the Open University of Catalonia, and researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute and at the eLearn Center of that same university.He holds a PhD in the Information and Knowledge Society and he works in the ...
Ismael Peña-Lópezis a lecturer at the School of Law and Political Science of the Open University of Catalonia, and researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute and at the eLearn Center of that same university.
He holds a PhD in the Information and Knowledge Society and he works in the field of Public Policies for Development, with a special focus on ICT (so, ICT4D, digital divide and so) and quite a social sciences multidisciplinary approach: economics, sociology, political science, pedagogy…
In previous life he was the founding member and former Director of the Cooperation for Development Programme at the University, where he gathered experience in e-learning for development and online volunteering. Every now and then, he also writes about ICTs and journalism in Reflexions sobre periodisme, comunicació i cultura [Catalan], blog of the Fundació ESCACC.
He is also the (so far) only developer of the free software project BibCiter, a PHP+MySQL based bibliographic manager. He used to be part of the WordPress in catalan team.
He lives near Barcelona, but he can usually be found at the headquarters office of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He used to paraglide and play tenor sax — but now he focus all his attention to rise his toddler.