Herman De Latte is a shareholder and partner of venture capital funds such as Hummingbird / Big Bang Ventures (Belgium), Solid Ventures (The Netherlands) and the private equity holding Green Ventures (Mumbai & Kathmandu). De Latte is also a board member of several start-ups such as Scense ...
Herman De Latte is a shareholder and partner of venture capital funds such as Hummingbird / Big Bang Ventures (Belgium), Solid Ventures (The Netherlands) and the private equity holding Green Ventures (Mumbai & Kathmandu). De Latte is also a board member of several start-ups such as Scense (Rotterdam), Planzone (Paris) and Mobiya (London). Herman was a general partner at the NeSBIC CTe venture capital funds from 2001 to 2008.
Previously, Herman de Latte was the CEO of Boston based ON Technology from 1997 until 2000. Prior to that, Herman was president / COO of Micrografx in Dallas and managing director Europe-West for Ashton-Tate Corporation in Amsterdam. These three companies were all Nasdaq quoted.
Herman De Latte is a Belgian born national who holds a degree in computer science and applied mathematics. His views are mostly independent.
Herman’s areas of expertise include
• Venture capital and finance in general. These skills were acquired based upon investments in 35 companies over 15 years.
• Turn-around and crisis management. The business world can truly only be understood when a company is in trouble. Restructuring a company is not a science, it is an art.
• An information technology focus : business intelligence & big data, business process management, Cloud Computing and SAAS.
• An energy focus on energy efficiency and alternative energy ( Hydro energy ‘ run of the river’ projects’).
Here are some of the presentations he gave in the past :
– The economy in the 2&st century.
– Role of Venture Capital.
– Role of the government in economic growth.
– The role of venture capital and private equity in Alternative Energy projects.
– The health of the planet / Energy Efficiency.
– Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital.
– India, finance and taxes.