Carlos Escario has a bachelor in Business Administration and Management and an MBA from IESE Business School and a master in Marketing from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.Carlos began his path as an entrepreneur with the foundation Servicios Logísticos Integrados SA (SLi) in 1991. This company ...
Carlos Escario has a bachelor in Business Administration and Management and an MBA from IESE Business School and a master in Marketing from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Carlos began his path as an entrepreneur with the foundation Servicios Logísticos Integrados SA (SLi) in 1991. This company became a Spanish referent in the logistics and transport sector, with subsidiaries in the UK, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Hungry and USA. In 2002, SLi merged with UTi Worldwide group, a global company valued in Nasdaq and based in Los Ángeles (California).
Carlos Escario has held different executive tasks being the vice-president of Marketing and Sales for Europe, North Africa and Middle East, being responsible for the global strategy at the headquarters in LA and as president of the 27 countries in these regions. Among all these roles, he has been part of the global executive committee. UTi is globally known and its 280 offices and 20.000 employees are spread throughout 62 countries. UTi is one of the 10 more important companies in its sector.
Carlos Escario is honorary professor at CEU University though he also teaches at different business schools, like ESIC, Novacaixagalicia and Escuela Europea de Negocios, and also at the recently opened Basque Culinary Center. He is a faculty member of the GLP (Global Leadership Program), a committee of global corporations based in Asia, Europe and North America and guarded by the MESA Research Group and the School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL) in India. He is also fellow professor at the Centro de Liderazgo de la Universidad Católica de Arequipa in Peru.
Carlos has participated in the “Achieving Breakthrough Service Program” at the Harvard Business School in Boston. He has taken lessons at the Robbins Research Institute (USA) as platinum partner with Prof. Luis Huete in the areas of Transformation, Organisation towards the client, Commercial Development and Innovation.
Due to Carlos’ excessive experience in the field, he is seen as a great speaker at logistics and supply chain conferences.