Bas van den Beld is a search and social strategist, trainer and well-respected blogger. Bas is well informed about what’s going on in the world of Internet and search marketing worldwide and especially Europe.Bas is the owner of Stateofsearch.com. He also advises on strategical search and social ...
Bas van den Beld is a search and social strategist, trainer and well-respected blogger. Bas is well informed about what’s going on in the world of Internet and search marketing worldwide and especially Europe.
Bas is the owner of Stateofsearch.com. He also advises on strategical search and social matters and provides training in search engine marketing and social media related topics. Bas is also the Social Marketing Ambassador for the Dutch DMA.
Bas is also a regular speaker on different marketing and search events. He’s also host of several podcasts, including a weekly show on a WebmasterRadio.FM. Bas also publishes on his personal blog, www.basvandenbeld.com, as well as on Searchengineland and Searchenginewatch.