Anirban Sinha is a respiratory scientist and immunologist working at the Amsterdam University Medical Center in The Netherlands and also as a visiting scientist at the University Children’s hospital in Basel, Switzerland.
Anirban Sinha is a respiratory scientist and immunologist working at the Amsterdam University Medical Center in The Netherlands and also as a visiting scientist at the University Children’s hospital in Basel, Switzerland. He also works as an independent consultant for a biomedical company based out of Switzerland. He completed his Ph.D. in genomics and integrative biology from India and has thereafter moved to Europe in pursuit of research. He has more than 7 years of experience in working on multifarious aspects of Respiratory Science and Immunology. He has delivered lectures and talks at institutes across Europe and beyond. He has been a recipient of several awards for his effective communication skills in many such conferences.
His research theme involves respiratory biology and medicine especially the domain of dynamicity in health and disease states in physiology and how different biomarkers fluctuate over time while transitioning from health to disease. He is fascinated by patterns in biology and recognizing these patterns in the context of health and disease aided by mathematical and computational approaches using non-invasive approaches like electronic nose and breath analyses. Approach: His work involves different disciplines of biological sciences along with data mining approaches to look for patterns for the prediction of disease outcomes. This forms the basisof modern P4 medicine (Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, and Participatory) and helps ultimately bring science and technology from bench to bedside.
Healthcare and AI are terms that have been started to be inextricably linked lately because of the advances in data crunching and pattern recognition that helps us to see
through the seemingly invisible. Any and every complex medical/healthcare problem is dependent on numbers and how one can better visualize them to make proper sense. Be it cancers, cardiovascular problems, or coronavirus infections, AI is ruling the roost in delivering answers, aiding diagnoses, assisting in patient monitoring and disease management programs. AI is a broad and widely used term that involves the entire gamut of machine learning, advanced computation tools which can help crunch data and records. So, proper knowledge and cognition about how and when to use what tools are very essential to make the most sense answering complex medical questions. With his experience and knowledge in the aforementioned domains, he has extensively worked on several airway diseases and beyond to tease out the dynamics of health and disease to better understand diseases.
His goal is to educate people and create awareness about the impact of AI and machine learning in the healthcare and how can it make a difference in our day-to-day lives. He further intends to generate interest in young minds to pursue this field. He would like to describe himself as a motivational speaker, enthusiastically trying to bring Healthcare, AI, and medical technologies together, impacting lives. Data and numbers should not just remain elusive but should assist the medical fraternity to strive for Precision and targeted Medicine.