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Mikko Hypponen | Fighting viruses, defending the net

Fighting Online Crime

Mikko Hypponen

Cyber Security | Online Crime | Cyberwar



Mikko Hypponen is a world-wide authority on computer security and privacy issues. He has been working with computer security for over 20 years and has fought the biggest malware outbreaks in the net. As a result, he has been involved in catching several online criminals. He also tracked down the authors of the very first PC virus.

Mikko Hypponen has delivered hundreds of talks in over 40 countries over the last 25 years, including keynotes in the most important security conferences such as Black Hat Asia and DEF CON. In 2010, he was awarded the Virus Bulletin Award as the best educator in the industry.

He has delivered the most watched online security talk on the internet. This is his TED Talk from 2011. It has been watched more than 1,8 million times and it has been translated to over 40 languages.



Mikko Hypponen

Mikko Hypponen

Cyber Security | Online Crime | Cyberwar

Mikko Hypponen is a global security expert. Tagged as a „Code Warrior”, Hypponen is a go-to...

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