Most people think that what Cedric is doing is crazy. However, he believes being crazy is living without passion, purpose and dreams. As a kid, his dream was to fly. He remembers telling this to one of his school teachers and the answer was: “People can’t fly”. So, in other words, stop dreaming. But Cedric kept dreaming and after his studies he left Brussels to become a helicopter pilot in California. From there, he started skydiving. He left flying machines to start flying with his body. Today he has more than 11 000 jumps and is one of the pioneers in base-jumping and wingsuit flying. Next to flying, Cedric studied high performance psychology which tries to answer questions like why some people take more risk than others, why some are performing better under pressure.
And these questions lead to another question: is there a difference between men and women when it comes down to taking calculated risks? Whether it’s in extreme sports or in business… Cedric Dumont is a pioneer in base-jumping and wingsuit flying. He has been a member of the Red Bull team since 2000. In extreme environments where one is expected to quickly assess risks, hyper-awareness has been the foundation of his consistent performance and survival – it’s fly or die! On top of being an action sports athlete, Cedric also graduated in High Performance Psychology. He spends his time leading expeditions, flying, speaking, writing and consulting for elite athletes and major companies all over the world.