Neha is a regular contributor to fintech discussions, especially to bridge the gender gap in fintech and the financial services industry.
Neha Mehta is Founder of FemTech Partners. A consulting company based out of Singapore; helping fintech start ups get a foothold in Asia and to promote Women in Fintech; Neha is a recipient of the Nav Shakti Award at 11th National Women Excellence Award 2018, conferred by the Indo European Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises (IECSME); for her contribution for empowerment of women.
Neha is also the Founder of the ASEAN Women in Payments Network (AWPN). In her previous role, Neha worked to deploy BlockChain technology for financial inclusion in areas such as payments, remittance and micro-loans/insurance to help world’s 2 billion unbanked people.
Neha is Global People’s Fellow 2018, an initiative by the United Nations towards fulfillment of SDG’s. Neha represents Singapore and is working towards Financial Inclusion; she will be attending UN General Assembly in September.
Neha is a Chevening Financial Services Fellow, 2017 and studied financial risk management at Kings College, London.
Neha is a Lawyer and has worked in different areas of finance such as hedge funds, private equity, venture capital and been recently focusing on Fintech. Over the last five years, Neha’s work has centered on lobbying with financial regulators across ASEAN region.
As the Vice-President of Indian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (IVCA), she actively lobbied with the Indian regulators such as Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Ministry of Finance (MOF), and Reserve Bank of India (RBI). As the Country Head for Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), Singapore she worked closely with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) on the Registered Fund Management Companies (RFMC) regime. She set up the India operations for Eurex Frankfurt AG, Deutsche Boerse Group, India.
Neha graduated in Business Management and also holds a Masters in Business Journalism. Neha is an Al Gore Certified Climate Change Trainer and is passionate about environment protection, issues relating to health and education of children belonging to poor families. Her day starts with yoga and meditation.
Neha is a regular contributor to fintech discussions, especially to bridge the gender gap in fintech and the financial services industry.