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Banker | Speaker

Sabyasachi Sengupta

Sabyasachi Sengupta is a banker and a speaker in the Netherlands. In his 12 years of careers, he has seen major highs and lows in this industry.

Keynote spreker
Keynote spreker,


1. Adversity Management

Are you ready today to take on unforeseen turbulence at your current job? Have you ever wondered how you would react in the face of adversity in your career? What will happen if your company suddenly decides to wrap it up, or you get a pink slip and lose your job? What if your artificial intelligence makes your job redundant overnight?

We live in a time, where any adversity may be just around the corner and we cannot avoid it. What can we do to best prepare for adversity if it decides to knock on our door? If you’re thinking about Adversity Management, bang on! My talk is titled 13 principles of Adversity Management and I will share 13 ways we can be prepared from any adversity in your career. It is a topic that I derive inspiration from my Lehman Brothers day. The central idea is what should you do today at your work and profession so that you are ready for the adversity if any at a later date. For this not only I have used my own example but also interviewed senior directors of bankrupt yet big companies, legendary sportsmen and people who made it to Forbes 30 under 30 So learn why and how adversity can be managed for being future-ready for any seen-unseen predicament.

2. Networking

In today’s times networking is that one skill that can make or break your career. Saby shares some secrets of networking that is easy to remember and follow yet very effective.


"Saby's speech hit the mark"

Saby Sengupta was our Keynote Speaker at the 2017 Evaluation Summit, a day dedicated to the art of feedback. Saby's speech hit the mark. It was highly instructive as well as highly entertaining and ...

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Carsten Wendt van Journalist and Communications Consultants
"Saby’s Master Class at Uva was equally useful and entertaining"

Saby’s Master Class at Uva was equally useful and entertaining. He has a confident appearance, a well-structured message and a casual still thought-out scenario which provided us with theoretical ...

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Alexandra Kecskes van Citi Bank
"An excellent approach to the art of networking"

An excellent approach to the art of networking, Sabyasachi gets to the essence of the importance of seeing yourself the way you want others to see you and provides you with a practical framework that ...

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Nikhil Barshikar van Imarticus Learning
"Saby helped me to develop the storytelling competencies of the students in my class"

Saby helped me to develop the storytelling competencies of the students in my class. Storytelling can be perceived as a hard to master skill. Saby managed to demystify this skill by breaking it down ...

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Joep Maas van Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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