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©Steven van Belleghem
Customer Focus in a Digital World

Steven van Belleghem

Steven Van Belleghem is a global thought leader in the field of Customer Experience. His passion is spreading ideas about the future of customer experience.

Keynote Speaker
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Specialist Subjects

1. When Digital Becomes Human

On the transformation of customer relationships.

There is an urgent need for an extreme transformation of customer relationships. Customers live in a world of “self-service”, “big data”, customer automation, and the integration of the online & offline worlds. Failure to integrate digital customer relationships puts a company’s future at risk.

Successful digital transformation is very important, but not enough. With digital evolution, customer relationships need change on a human level or digital level.

The following challenges lie ahead: finding a balance between human and machine, shading the human “touch” and making the most of the power to connect people.

Steven Van Belleghem leads you through his new story “When Digital Becomes Human”. It is a story about combining digital and human transformation in your customer strategy. This story takes you on a journey into the future. It is provocative, exciting and scary at the same time. Enjoy this amazing journey!

2. The power of conversation

On modern marketing communications.

Conversations between people have a major impact on the buying process. Both, online conversations and social interaction in real life, influence the way we see things.

The paradox is that most managers are aware of this power of conversations, but still fail to manage in this area. As a result, almost every company has conversational potential that is not being used.

In this presentation, Steven Van Belleghem describes how a company can actively manage these conversations. It is about establishing a new corporate culture. It is also a story about the power of employees and customers and finally, it is also about using social media intelligently.

This presentation is based on the books “The Conversation Manager” and “The Conversation Company”. Using hugely recognizable and fresh insights, Steven takes his audience on a journey through the world of conversation.

3. Are you ready to reinvent your business?

On digital transformation.

The shelf life of an average business strategy is becoming shorter and shorter. A long-term strategy is still logically indispensable, but nowadays it needs to be re-evaluated much more frequently. Nokia and Kodak are sad examples of what can happen if you don’t do this.

There simply is no other option: companies must be prepared to reinvent themselves. In this presentation, Steven Van Belleghem identifies three areas that must be reinvented: an organization’s “business model”, its customer relationships and the way the company itself operates.

Because not only the companies, but also each employee needs to be reinvented. Are you ready for your own makeover?

4. Marketing 2020 - the Future of Marketing

Customers are changing and evolving faster than ever before, and the same can be said for technological capabilities. As a result, companies will have to continuously adapt to an ever-changing environment.

Staying in the positive light with customers requires an extreme focus on branding and customer centricity. This form of customer centricity takes full advantage of available technological capabilities. Indeed, customer centricity becomes an implicit process.

This principle is also known as “selling without selling”, and our current way of marketing is not yet prepared to use this principle. The key words in this new marketing structure are flexibility and discipline. Steven Van Belleghem prepares the audience for the future through new trends, new insights and anecdotes.


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