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© Jac Kritzinger
Endurence swimmer | Master storyteller

Lewis Pugh

As a speaker, Lewis explains his hard-earned lessons and transforms his experiences into lessons that every person can apply to their own work and lives.

Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker,


1.   Achieving the Impossible
2.   Leading diverse Teams
3.   Motivation
4.   Creating a culture of excellence
5.   Managing change
6.   Overcoming obstacles
7.   Resilience
8.   Embracing Risk
9.   Embracing Risk



Lewis stole the show at the World Economic Forum in Davos

“You won’t find a more captivating storyteller. Lewis stole the show at the World Economic Forum in Davos”

Adam Grant, professor Wharton Business School van Wharton Business School
Will inspire you to rethink your own ‘impossible.

“The dreams, the hardships and the sheer heart behind Lewis’s expeditions will inspire you to rethink your own ‘impossible.”

Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup For The Sole
The perfect TED talk!

"The perfect TED talk: a little bit of action, some thinking outside the box, and humbling words on the need to respect nature. A Hollywood scriptwriter could not have structured it better”

The Financial Times
A uniquely personal connection with audiences

“His passion and extraordinary determination create a uniquely personal connection with audiences.”

Alwyn Dawkins van Executive Vice President Gartner

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