Lennard Hulsbos focust op de waarde die wordt gecreëerd op de intersectie van business strategy, technologie en ontworpen ervaringen.
Lennard Hulsbos heeft zich de laatste 15 jaar gefocust op het creëren van waarde op de intersectie van business strategie, technologie en ontworpen ervaringen. In die tijd heeft hij werk gedaan met onder andere; Starbucks, Deutsche Telekom, Circle Economy, Uber en Unilever.
Hij is een gepassioneerd spreker en was onder meer te vinden op Microsoft’s Digital Futures, DIF (Disruptive Innovation Festival), Retail Asia Expo, Supernodes Davos (World Economic Forum) en EPICA. Hij spreekt meestal over éen van de volgende onderwerpen; organisatie cultuur, digitale transformatie, circulaire economie en de waarde van design in strategie.
Naast zijn dagelijks werk als strateeg was hij betrokken bij het samenstellen van het plan voor educatie binnen het Nederlands Klimaat akkoord en is hij de oprichter van C.UBI, een transitioneel framework naar een regeneratieve economie. Daarnaast won hij twee VN ontwikkeling awards voor zijn werk met Satara, een slow-fashion label met microfinancing en female empowerment als basis.
Nu we het nieuwe normaal ingaan is zijn ervaring met betrekking tot digitale organisaties een toegevoegde waarde voor bedrijven die hun cultuur willen beschermen en groeien in tijden van de ‘home-office’. In 2007 richtte hij Cradle of Design op, een volledig online bedrijf met 24 designers in 14 landen. Deze ervaring is in onze huidige situatie van onschatbare waarde, zeker in combinatie met zijn bevindingen in China’s digitale landschap van 2011 tot 2015.
''We vonden de performance van Hans zeer professioneel en zijn daardoor blij met de samenwerking en de behaalde resultaten.''
Had the opportunity to work with Lennard on a digital transformation for a telco in Central Europe. Lennard has this great ability to understand/unravel the business drivers of a transformation, the tech choices in front of him and then imagine possibilities at that intersection, that are innovative, practical and (more importantly) experience enhancing for the end customer. But what really makes Len stand out is the fact that he can make you see! See the new perspective, expand the possibilities and truly reinvent a business - and that's exactly what digital transformations need today. If you want to reinvent your business, get Len!
"I have had the pleasure to work with Lennard on projects ranging from research to strategy. We share the same conviction that sustainability and circularity is the way forward, a mindset which is present in everything Lennard does. On a team level I especially appreciate how he manages to balance his role as senior adviser not only to the client but also to the team members, allowing all individuals to deliver at their best. His experience in remote collaboration and organisation has proven extremely valuable when successfully taking projects into a virtual setting due to travel restrictions and work from home arrangements caused by the Corona virus outbreak."
"Lennard and his team enabled us to properly identify and analyse our status-quo, enabling our organisation to move into its next phase. As a result of the workshop we were prepared and knowledgeable about the skill- and process-gaps we would have to overcome in order to continue our growth successfully.
Notably, as the global health situation became increasingly pressurised in context of COVID-19, the reaction and subsequent approach for a remote workshop was engaging, solution oriented and - not unimportant - fun. Having worked with Lennard for over 4 years across two organisations (Deutsche Telekom & cleverbridge), in a diverse set of topics with C-level stakeholders; I would recommend him for any organisation that is looking to engage an honest, ambitious and high quality non-nonsense strategy consultant focused on helping his clients achieve their goals."
"In our work together I got to know Lennard as a strong strategy and vision builder. He is a great team builder and has a strong knowledge base and passion for sustainability. In the work we did together he helped adding an outside-in perspective, enabling us to prioritise the right strategic components for growth. In doing so, he managed to get the full team on board by creating an overarching vision that included different departments in the organisation and how they strengthen each other. This resulted in a solid roadmap with a progressive development arc; building towards an end-to-end solution for our partners, furthering Circle Economy's vision for a circular revolution."
Over the past 4 years of working together across multiple design companies (Designit, Spark Reply and Manyone) Lennard has been an in?uential elevator of my strategic thinking, design ambitions and overall growth as human being. Lennard is a design strategist that seeks to link the business, human, technological and planetary realities into actionable and sustainable business strategy. He has helped me to work and think beyond the traditional boundaries of design, showing me the importance of systems thinking for root cause problem solving and meaningful impact. As a team leader, colleague and friend, Lennard is a constant facilitator of learning and growth. He puts faith in people to own project moments beyond their experience level and will always have your back. His approach has played a very direct role in the speed of my growth and con?dence as a designer. Lastly Lennard someone that is always seeking to develop his own understanding of the world we live in. He has a humble and curious mind that often spreads its positive energy to the minds of others. Lennard is a harbinger of positive change and a very valuable asset to any organisation looking to design their way into the future.