Javier Martínez brings 25-years of experience advising companies and institutions to help enhance the intelligence of organizations by developing a learning culture.
Javier Martínez brings 25-years of experience advising companies and institutions through-out Spain and Latin America to help enhance the intelligence of organizations by developing a learning culture. He is a Partner in Learning Culture at Knowledge Works and Director at Chile for Knoco Ltd, both consulting companies specialized in learning and knowledge management. He is an international speaker in knowledge management events and seminars since 1999 and he has been publishing a monthly column on knowledge management and organizational learning since 2006. The main topics he covers at his seminars are collective intelligence, learning culture, knowledge management, collaboration, intangible assets, intelligent organizations, mistake management/lessons learned, future of education and work. Javier likes to brings to his conferences an innovative style of delivering the speeches with a mixture of radical and challenging ideas. He believes that the survival of any organization depends on learning from the future rather than the past.
Javier is also a consultant for the UN, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank in the area of knowledge management and learning, as well as being a teacher in various knowledge management programs at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, the University of Santiago and the IDB.
He is the founding member of the Community of Knowledge Management in Chile, along with being a member of the arbitration committee of the Educational Innovation Magazine of the Academic Secretariat of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. Besides, he holds a Law Degree from the University of the Basque Country and a master’s degree in Internet Management from the Catalan Institute of Technology. He has been working in the field of organizational learning and knowledge management for almost three decades. Furthermore, he has consulted for over 100 organizations, both public and private in all sorts of industries, and has been a regular speaker and teacher. Lastly he has contributed in several books on education, e-learning, knowledge management and virtual communities and, has a broad international experience having worked in countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, UK, Venezuela, Uruguay.
“Voor ons was het van belang om interactie tussen de panels en het publiek te creëren. Onze dagvoorzitter Annemarie van Campen heeft ervoor gezorgd dat iedereen zich verbonden voelde met het thema en dat iedereen vanaf het begin af aan mee wilde praten. Mede door de inbreng van Annemarie hebben we ons doel van interactie dus bereikt. Het blijft een vak, dagvoorzitter zijn.”
“It's really strange to run into a person with the professional characteristics that Javier has, he's an excellent communicator, with and incredible time efficiency management, creative, collaborative, empathic. We hired him once for our company, to give us a presentation in a Forum that we organized for our clients in Latin America, it was so successful that today it is a safe choice for most of the activities that I organize from my area. From then on, my colleagues in other countries have asked me to share his contact to hire him in their projects. He is an absolutely recommended person to undertake executive management in any challenge and type of company.”
“We wanted to start 2021 with a message of Learning Culture. We consider that Javier was the perfect person for this and we weren't wrong! The conference was a success, we recommend Javier for his high capacity to motivate and generate the challenge of continuous learning in teams!”