Mathijs Bouman is a Dutch economist and journalist. He is a regular contributor to the TV program Nieuwsuur and writes columns for Het Financieel Dagblad.
Politik, Wirtschaft & Finanzen
Banking, Bitcoin, Brexit, Europe, Globalisation, Investing, Journalism
Mathijs Bouman is a Dutch economist and journalist. He is a regular contributor to the TV program Nieuwsuur and writes columns for Het Financieele Dagblad. A critic of the Dutch Polder model, in which „bad luck is officially forbidden“ and „accidents are banned“, he is referred to as a market liberalist, and as a prominent opinion builder whose Twitter account is recommended for „peppered“ opinions.
Bouman wrote several books about the Dutch economy. ‚Hollandse Overmoed – Hoe de beste economie van de wereld ontspoorde‘. In 2008 he was economic editor for the translation of Alan Greenspans autobiography The Age of Turbulance. A year later Bouman was advisor and editor for De Grote Recession, a book about the financial crisis and the great recession from the Netherlands Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis (CPB).
In 1998 Bouman obtained his PhD in economics (University of Amsterdam) and proceeded to work as a researcher at Leiden University and the Free University. Between 2003 and 2005 he worked as an economist at De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch Central Bank). Mathijs Bouman is a frequently asked speaker.