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© Uwe Böhm
Business Innovation | Consumption Trends | Storytelling | AI

Gunnar Brune

Gunnar Brune is an AI-Evangelist, business consultant and author. He gives speeches and workshops on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Business Innovation, Trends and Storytelling.

Keynote Speaker,Webinar,Workshop
Keynote Speaker,Webinar,Workshop,


1. Embrace the ADVANTAGES of the POWERFUL TOOL AI!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chat GPT dominate today’s headlines. But AI is more than ChatGPT and too many are led by the MISCONCEPTION of AI being a primarily dangerous technology. More knowledge can help to embrace AI as a POWERFUL TOOL that we all can benefit from. This is especially important today, as new technologies make the ADVANTAGES of AI like greater speed, higher efficiency and faster innovation accessible for all.

2. Innovate your Business and win the future

Business is driven by innovation like never before. Innovation in Technology, Innovation in Services, Innovation in Products, Innovation for New Work. Companies have to embrace a creative mindset of “thinking and doing” to build their business in changing environments. Companies can do that, if they activate their full potential, the power of data and technology and the creativity of their workforce.

3. Check in with the latest consumption trends and use them for your advantage

Change is permanent, especially in consumption. Change offers opportunities to beat the competition and connect with new target groups and clients. Gunnar Brune takes his audiences on a journey to really understand the latest trends, welcome new perspectives and get an idea of the future that is to come.

4. Use Storytelling as a powerful force in business and communication

Storytelling is more than a buzzword. Storytelling is a set of tools to unlock the power of stories. Human beings feel, think and act in stories. Great stories can create loyal customers. Impactful Narratives can bond teams together and direct a workforce towards business goals. Understanding the power of storytelling puts a complete new set of tools in your belt.


Gunnar Brune hat uns und unserem Publikum aus der faszinierenden Welt der Generativen KI berichtet

"Gunnar Brune hat uns und unserem Publikum aus der faszinierenden Welt der Generativen KI berichtet und uns im Dialog zu unerwarteten Einblicken und Ideen geführt.“

Eileen Dillenburg von fischerAppelt
Gunnar Brune hat die Teilnehmer als Marketingexperte mit seinem Vortrag und der anschließenden Fragerunde in die Problematik von Werbeverboten eingeführt.

"Gunnar Brune hat die Teilnehmer als Marketingexperte mit seinem Vortrag und der anschließenden Fragerunde in die Problematik von Werbeverboten eingeführt, eine konstruktive Diskussion angestoßen ...

Oliver Numrich von Der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie e. V.

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